Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs about acro building systems products

Guardrails FAQs

OSHA rules state whenever someone is working 6' or more above a lower level, an employer must provide either harnesses, safety nets or guardrails.

OSHA rules state whenever working 6' or more above a lower level; harnesses, safety nets or guardrails are required.

No. Any one of the 3 solutions can fully cover by themselves

OSHA states that a written fall protection plan may be used instead of harnesses, safety nets or guardrails; when using those devises would present a greater danger.

Under OSHA Fall Protection regulations there are 3 systems for fall protection: Harnesses, Guardrails & Safety nets.

Take the responsibility of compliance out of your workers hands by using guardrails instead of harnesses. Once guardrails are set up; they cover everyone

Acro has a variety of guardrail solutions for every environment. Why build your own vertical stantions when you can use Acro's Steel stantions. They are re-usable, portable and most importantly safe.

According to OSHA’s Website: In general, it is better to use fall prevention systems, such as guardrails, than fall protection systems, such as safety nets or fall arrest devices, because they provide more positive safety means. No participation is required from the individual laborer

The total number of guardrails needed depends on the size of area which requires fall protection. On steep slope roofs, OSHA requires that all edges be protected. One guardrail post is required every 8'. Acro's Residentail Starter Systme (#12079) contains 24 eave edge brackets & 16 rake edge brackets; which covers 88'x44'.

Other forms of fall protection can be used in conjunction with guardrails. Under OSHA's slat roof regulations, both warning lines and safety monitors may be used in areas where working near the edge is not required.

Yes, OSHA says there is no safe distance from an open edge

Acro's Guardrail systems are designed to be moved durring the roofing process without having to take the entire system down. Acro's Residential guardrail systems are designed to be nailed on and tapped out like roof brackets (they even interleave with shingles)

With 20+ lbs of weight (cinder block / sand bag / etc.) or fastening it to the surface with screws / nails

12070, 12075 on roofs. 12045, 12060 around holes and edges

12045, 12060, 12090 on roofs, holes and edges

42" +/- 3"

200 lbs


The 2x4s should overlap at least 6 inches inside one of the brackets on the guardrail post so that nails may be used to secure both boards.

OSHA recomends "Wood components shall be minimum 1500 lb-ft/in(2) fiber (stress grade) construction grade lumber".

Acro recommends that the 2x4s be run vertically.

Acro recommends that the posts be positioned that the brackets holding the lumber always be on the inside, facing away from the open edge

Residentail Guardrail Starter Kit. 24x12070 & 16x12075

3: 12061-Plate, 12022-boot (post holder) & 12055-post

Ladder Accessories FAQs

Climbing on a roof more safely can easily be achieved by using one of Acro's ladder accessories. Home owners will find the 11084 ladder hook an invaluable tool for providing a climbing surface on the roof. Professionals may prefer the versatility and ease of use of Acro's Chicken ladder system.

Just one of Acro's reinforced ladder hooks is required per ladder.

Fits in valleys and other hard to reach areas


To prevent scratching on metal roofs

On the corner, under the eave and even on the roof

Adjustable, from 22" to 29"

Simply clip onto ladder and attach chain to rung above.

Roof Bracket FAQs

Solar panel & shingle Installers have found both the Johnny Jack Material Staging System & the Chicken Ladder System invavluable tools for both staning on & staging material on steep slopes

Acro's Johnny Jack system allows for working and staging material eaaily for interlocking material by attaching to the roof further up and allowing for working space clearance

Contractor (or 19" brackets) allow for greater clearance between the 2x6 used for standing and staging material and the bottom of the shingle they are interleaved with.

45, 60 and 90 degrees

5.5" x 6'

To distribute weight and prevent scratching of metal schingles